Saturday, July 19, 2008


Entertainment Scientists Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013

People of the world we must save each other from the terrible future that awaits us.
We must start boycotting Disney in order to save this child. We are over using Miley Cyrus . To much Miley Cyrus can cause shear panic to the world.

You have to be fucking kidding me. I love this. I would love to hear this shit from TMZ or some Rag about the stars falling and colliding.

These guys are in suits and ties talking about Miley Cyrus HAHA... like she was some kind of stock... well ok maybe she does have some stock vale.

Where is the Dad in all this?

Behind Dr Justin Canty (Institute for the Sustainable Cyrus Use) hehe you can see a sign... yes that's right they sent money to prove to us that they mean business. You have to watch the movie The Onion.

That makes me wonder. If these young kids can't keep it straight I have no hope for David Archuletta's career.

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