Sunday, August 19, 2007

Poor Jeff

Last night I had Plans to go out with Joey to a bar in the city or right by his house. Since i forgot my charger at Kira's i drove to the City. I left at 5:00pm and didn't get to the city until 7:00pm. Apparently there was a big Football game with the 49ers and the Raiders. I hate driving and i hate Traffic so mush more. Once I finally reached the city i was ready for a few drinks. On my way to the San Francisco Joey called me and told me he was still sick. So i decided that after picking up the charger I would go see Shane. Shane: 32 Leo, Big and Tall just like i like them. He's so funny he keeps me giggling. when i got to his house my phones battery died. i couldn't call him and i was to retarded to push the door buzzer, so i did the best thing i could think of and yelled his name really loud and deep right under his window. mind you he lives on Castro and 18th so all the gay men I'm sure turned and look at me. he he oops.

later that night a few of Shane's friends came over. We went to dinner right down stairs at the sausage factory. Good food. Boy was i hungry. And I didn't have the munchies. i ate a med size pizza. I did have a little help from Justin. Justin: Lives in L.A. from Walnut creek. Tall cute boy that run three businesses in L.A. He was visiting with his sister from Idaho I forget her name... we all had fun during dinner. Some how we started to talk about poop and not being able hold your mud. Did I mention that these guys are crazy? I love it. Dinner was great "Thanks Jeff"

Jeff: Hot Italian man From NYC, Furry arm and a deep chill voice. To me he was kinda shy.

After dinner we all went back up stairs to the house Ever one in that house went to the back door and crammed then selfs on this every narrow stair. Jeff and I stayed inside. His phone rang then he seemed really sad. :( I just met thins guy last night and he felt so comfortable to share his boy problems. I was touched. What he said made me think. As much as i Like Shane I'm not ready for a relationship. He calls me his Pocket Gay or his boy toy. HE HE i like that. For most of the night we watched Tales of the City. Since I'm reading the book Shane said it would help me understand what I'm reading. since some times i get lost.

I went to bed before anyone. Shane went to tuck me in. Ah how sweet! I passed out and then felt Shane and Justin crawl into bed. Some how i found my self on the couch in Shane's room. HE placed a blanket on the couch just in case i was not comfortable on the bed. I was getting to hot. I had a good night. I was late to work about 13 min cause i went home to shower. I'm still house sitting Marks house.

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