F*&k you Greg.
Who gave his man the hand of god? Who is he to tell me I'm not hairy enough or big enough to join his web site?
I am a chaser and no body but body is going to tell what I can and can't join. Im not the only one that feels this way.
You cannot market your website as a "service to the community" and then pick & choose members. Bear411 isn't a "community" website. It's "Greg's" website, featuring Gregory's radically skewed interpretation of what a "bear" is.
I have had my profile rejected because I am too skinny or don't have facial hair, or I just don't look "bear enough." If you don't fit in or you're not the right color, you might not ever get your profile approved.
The bear community has worked every hard to get where they are and now Greg is shitting all over that.
Hi Greg,
I have been a member of your site for a few years now, and I gotta tell you, it IS the best bear site on the web. Congrats on that.
I do have a question for you though. I have four friends (so far) that have all been denied membership to this site. The only thing that these four guys have in common is that they are chasers in their 20's and not hairy or bears.
Do you only allow men that you consider "bears" on your site? Or do you only grant access to people with facial hair? I can find no other reason that these four separate individuals would all be denied.
Some of the bears that I have met only like other bearish guys, which is great, but some like lots of different types of guys. I am a bear that likes chasers. The bear community came up with that name so that guys that like bears that don't look like bears would have something to call themselves. And yet, they are denied access to your bear website.
I was wondering if you could please tell me why you deny access to certain chasers?
Thanks, and I hope you can understand my confusion.
Fuck Greg. He's obviously lost sight of what's important, and is just as bad as anyone who has ever discriminated against him. Trust me, there are plenty of bears running around northern California from which you can feast. You don't need him or his stupid little website.
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