A few days ago Shane and I were going to get a quick breakfast right before he had to slave away for a savage group of penguins; you call lawyers.
As we walked down to the bottom of the stairs with eye buggers still in my eye. Shane walked trough the front iron gate as I followed him. Still working on getting that fucking eye bugger from hell, out of my eye, bugger didn't want to come off... anyways as my eyes focused I noticed a white bucket next to the trash bin. Shane didn't notice b/c he's supper tall and anything below 5 feet gets lost.
As the curious little monkey that I am; I looked down to see if it had stuff in it.
I inched closer the smell quickly told me what it was...
Crabs & mussels
For the record I have never had nor wish it upon anyone crab lice.)
Some one placed crabs and mussels all over the street and in front of the house. Shane was like "wha da fuck?!"
He kicked the bucket thinking that they where dead...Nope not all dead. They where still alive and I'm sure eating each others eyes out. Shane jumped about 2 feet back after kicking it and screamed. HAHA.
but seriously...
This is the work of some gay on gay crime towards one of the boys in that house!
Please who ever you are I'm sure we can talk about this like adults.
I mean come on...?!
And those trash bin you see in these pictures went missing after that day.
Pretty bitchy gays!