The door swung open. My girl friend walked in as I followed in her steps.
The room was small. Almost the size and shape of most hotel room. except this was not a hotel. some how I have been in this room before. The room looked like Jonathan's bed room. But some how I knew we were not in his house.
Nobody was in when we arrived. My friend went looking around the other rooms. I looked around to find a hint as to who's room I was in. I walked over to the right side of the bed. I wanted to look in the drawer I knew his Gun was in there. I stopped and looked around again. I was here again.
My friend came back from the back door. we were both tired so we slipped in the bed together.
Midnight. I woke up to a smooth soft skin. I knew none of us got naked when we got under the sheets. Could my friend have gotten naked in the middle of the night?
As my hands keep'd feeling around in the dark trying to figure out who this was. I felt hands move up and down my body. It felt good. Nothing was telling me to stop. I didn't feel bad or naughty. i just wanted to know who this was between my friend and I.
It was Jonathan . He was back home. Naked in the bed with me. I felt like never stopping. I wanted him allover me. The lights came on. My friend was finally awake. she moved to another room with out one word. Jon and I started kissing and touching and licking every inch of our body's. We didn't have sex.
Next morning we woke up and started to pack my things. My friend never came back. I kissed him good bye, and told him i would see him soon.
My dream ended.
I wanted to et back in my dream once i woke up. Iv only seen Jon in my dreams since the last time we hung out. he's mostly in my dreams in a high place, like a window or balcony. I have never spoken to him in any of my dreams.
From what i know he's still alive. The last i heard o him he was on Myspace he was married and happy.
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