"I rear-ended a car this morning. So there we are alongside the road and
slowly the driver gets out of the car . . . and you know how you just get sooo
stressed and life seems to get funny?
Well, I could NOT believe it . . he was a DWARF! He storms over to my car,
looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!"
So, I look down at him and say, "Well, which one are you then?"... and
THAT'S when the fight started . . ."
From a random web page

It was like every other night I was just getting out of my figure drawing class. I started to walk to my car that was on the other side of campus by the science labs; since thats where my first class was for the day.
I got in my 1990 Toyota Corolla and slipped in a new cd I had just purchased. I pulled out of my parking space, drove to the exit and remembered that I had left my charcoal in the art room.
I got to a T intersection which BTW had no stop or yield for me b/c I was going straight. Before I got to the intersection a truck made his stop and turned left on the straight road. Once he had made his turn a blue 1994 Mazda Miata decided that he could make the run WITH OUT stopping. "California roll" if you will. I was going my speed limit and I didn't see his fucking piece of shit car b/c guess what? He had his driving lights off.
I felt like a rhino had rammed the front right side of my car. I had no idea what the fuck just happened. I looked around, shook my head and tried to understand the events that just perspired.
I got out of my car once I remembered where I was. Everything was dark all I could make out was his car and my one remaining head light.
Before he got out of his car I was all ready out side screaming at the top of my lungs. He got out and I had to pause... the guy was around 6'5" thin. (for those of you that don't know me I'm 5'3")I didn't care I kept yelling and trowing up my arm in a fit of anger.
He asked me calmly to stop yelling and that he was really sorry.
"SORRY?" I said
"Your Sorry for your stupidity?"
I think he might have been high; the back of the campus was the place where students would get high before or after classes. He didn't say much. I got his information and drove off pissed that my ugly car was now uglier.
I don't remember if his car had any damage. I don't think there was even a scratch on his car. His fathers insurance did take care of the damages. I mostly spoke to his father. He was so apologetic. He did ask me at one point how tall I was. I found that funny
So the lesson here is don't fuck with small people. We will fight back.